What is Sysmaster
The window into the entire system, an area of shared memory with an SQL like interface
How to drop sysmaster
dbaccess sysmaster - delete from systables where tabid > 99 and partnum < '0x100000'; delete from systables where tabname = 'sysdbspartn'; close database; drop database sysmaster;
How long has the user been connected
select sid, username, dbinfo('UTC_TO_DATETIME',connected) conection_time, current - dbinfo('UTC_TO_DATETIME',connected) connected_since from syssessions order by 2,3
How long has the user been idle
SELECT s.sid, s.username, q.odb_dbname database, dbinfo('UTC_TO_DATETIME',s.connected) conection_time, dbinfo('UTC_TO_DATETIME',t.run_time) last_run_time, current - dbinfo('UTC_TO_DATETIME',t.run_time) idle_time FROM syssessions s, systcblst t, sysrstcb r, sysopendb q WHERE t.tid = r.tid AND s.sid = r.sid AND s.sid = q.odb_sessionid ORDER BY 6 DESC
How to link a session to a transaction
select tx_id from systrans where tx_addr = select us_txp from sysuserthreads where us_sid = SESSIONID)
Historically, this table could not tell you if you are in a real transaction ie a BEGIN WORK unless that transaction had done real work as the flags where not changed when the transaction is started.
How to find the busy tables
select systabnames.tabname, sysptntab.pf_isread, sysptntab.pf_iswrite, sysptntab.pf_isrwrite, sysptntab.pf_isdelete, sysptntab.pf_seqscans from systabnames, sysptntab where systabnames.partnum = sysptntab.partnum
How long has the database engine been running
select dbinfo('UTC_TO_DATETIME', sh_curtime) - dbinfo('UTC_TO_DATETIME', sh_boottime) from sysshmvals
How to find the current SQL statement
select sqs_statement from syssqlstat where sqs_statement; or select sqx_sessionid, sqx_conbno, sqx_sqlstatement from syssqexplain, sysscblst where sqx_sessionid = sid order by 1,2
Where are the logs
select number, name from syslogfil, syschunks, sysdbspaces where syslogfil.chunk = syschunks.chknum and syschunks.dbsnum = sysdbspaces.dbsnum
What is the current version of the engine
select owner from sysmaster:systables where tabid = 99Works fine on the earlier engines, not so good on the later ones as the Official Release doesn't tally back i.e. 10.00.FC6 reports 9.50C1, and 11.50.FC6 reports 9.53C1 etc. However,
DBINFO('version','server-type') DBINFO('version','major') DBINFO('version','minor') DBINFO('version','os') DBINFO('version','full')
All should work
How to list the users
select unique username from syssessions
What is the disk IO for a session
select syssesprof.sid, isreads, iswrites, isrewrites, isdeletes from syssesprof, syssessions where syssesprof.sid = syssessions.sid
How to convert a PID to a session ID
select sid fromsyssessions where pid = 'pid'
How to find the sequential scans for a table
select dbsname, tabname, seqscans from sysptprof;
How to list the logging status of a database
select name, is_logging, is_buff_log, is_ansi, is_nls from sysdatabases
The flags are: 0: Not logged 1: Buffered Logging 2: Unbuffered Logging 4: Ansi 8: NLS
How to list the locks
select dbsname, tabname, rowidlk, keynum, type from syslocks, syssessions where owner = "sid" B Byte lock IS Intent shared lock S Shared lock XS Repeatable read shared lock U Update lock IX Intent exclusive lock SIX Shared intent exclusive X Exclusive lock XR Repeatble read exclusive
How to list the database locks
SELECT "database lock" table_name, l.type lock_type, l.keynum index_num, HEX(l.rowidlk) rowid, s.sid session_id, s.username,, s.hostname, q.sqs_statement statement FROM syslocks l, sysdatabases d, syssessions s, syssqlstat q WHERE = ' database_name ' AND l.rowidlk = d.rowid AND l.owner = s.sid AND dbsname = 'sysmaster' AND tabname = 'sysdatabases' AND s.sid = q.sqs_sessionid UNION ALL SELECT l.tabname, l.type, l.keynum, HEX(l.rowidlk), s.sid, s.username,, s.hostname, q.sqs_statement FROM syslocks l, syssessions s, syssqlstat q WHERE l.dbsname = ' database_name ' AND l.owner = s.sid AND s.sid = q.sqs_sessionid AND dbsname = 'sysmaster' AND tabname = 'sysdatabases' ORDER BY 5;
- Replace database_name with the database you are querying
- Must be run as user informix
How to display free log space
select number, uniqid, size, used, (used/size*100) from syslogs where uniqid >= (select min(tx_loguniq) from systrans where tx_loguniq > 0) union select number, uniqid, size, 0, 0.00 from syslogs where uniqid < (select min(tx_loguniq) from systrans where tx_loguniq > 0)
What is the page size
select sh_pagesize from sysshmvals
How many rows are there in the table
The nrows column on systables is only maintained as a result of update statistics but the current number of rows is always maintained accurately within sysmaster.
select ti_nrows from systabnames, systabinfo where systabn.tabname = TABLENAME and dbsname = DATABASE and systabinfo.ti_partnum = systabnmes.partnum
How to get the username
select username, uid from sysmaster:syssessions where sid = 'session id'
How to list all the databases
select name from sysdatabases
What is the database to dbspace mapping
select name from sysdbspaces where dbsnum in (select trunc(partnum / 1048576) from sysdatabases where name = "DATABASE")
In the later engines select, sysdatabases.owner, from sysdbspaces,sysdatabases where partdbsnum(sysdatabases.partnum) = sysdbspaces.dbsnum or select DBINFO("DBSPACE",partnum) dbspace, name, owner from sysdatabases
What is the blobspace page size
select prtpage/PAGESIZE from sysdbstab</br> where bitval(flags,'0x10') = 1
What is the table to dbspace mapping
select tabname, trunc(systabnames.partnum/1048576) dbspace, from systabnames, sysdbspaces where sysdbspaces.dbsnum = trunc(systabnames.partnum/1048576)
What is the total size of the dbspaces
select name, count(*) chunks, sum(chksize), sum(nfree) from syschunks, sysdbspaces where syschunks.dbsnum = sysdbspaces.dbsnum group by 1
What are the poor indexes
The following sql can identify sql using poor indexes
select sqx_sessionid, sqx_executions, round(sqx_bufreads/sqx_executions), round(sqx_pagereads/sqx_executions), sqx_estcost, sqx_estrows, sqx_index, sqx_sqlstatement from syssqexplain where sqx_executions > 3000 and (sqx_bufreads / sqx_executions > 50 or sqx_executions > 100) and (sqx_bufreads / sqx_executions > 1000 or sqx_executions > 1) and sqx_bufreads / sqx_executions > 50000
The following SQL identifies the unused indexes
SELECT x1.dbsname, x3.tabname, x1.tabname AS idxname, (x4.npused * x4.pagesize / 1024) :: INT AS size_kb FROM systabnames AS x1, sysptntab AS x2, systabnames AS x3, sysptnhdr AS x4 WHERE x2.partnum = x1.partnum AND x2.partnum != x2.tablock AND x3.partnum = x2.tablock AND x4.partnum = x1.partnum AND x1.dbsname MATCHES '[a-z]*' AND x3.tabname MATCHES '[a-z]*' AND x2.pf_isread = 0 AND x2.pf_iswrite > 0 ORDER BY 4 DESC
In the later engines, or databases with detached indices this information is also available via Table IO stats but the indexname as the table filter
What is the disk IO for the table
select dbname, tabname, sum(pagreads), sum(pagwrites) from sysptprof group by dbsname, tabname
List all the tables in the temporary dbspaces
select dbsname,tabname from sysptprof, sysdbspaces where dbsnum = trunc(partnum/1048576) and name = TEMPDBS order by 1
List all the tables in the temporary dbspaces by session
SELECT q1.*, (100 * size_kb / dbs_size) :: DECIMAL(5,2) AS percent FROM ( SELECT t2.owner [1,8], t2.dbsname [1,18] AS database, t2.tabname [1,22] AS table, [1,10] AS dbspace, (CURRENT - DBINFO('utc_to_datetime', ti_created)) :: INTERVAL DAY(4) TO SECOND AS life_time, (ti_nptotal * ti_pagesize/1024) :: INT AS size_kb FROM systabinfo AS t1, systabnames AS t2, sysdbspaces AS t3 WHERE t2.partnum = ti_partnum AND t3.dbsnum = TRUNC(t2.partnum/1024/1024) AND TRUNC(MOD(ti_flags,256)/16) > 0 ) AS q1, ( SELECT name AS dbspace, SUM(chksize * d1.pagesize/1024) AS dbs_size FROM syschunks AS d1, sysdbspaces AS d2 WHERE d1.dbsnum = d2.dbsnum GROUP BY 1 ) AS q2 WHERE q1.dbspace = q2.dbspace ORDER BY 6 DESC, 5 DESC;
How big is a table
This check does not need any locks unlike oncheck, therefore on a live system might not be accurate.
select dbsname, tabname, ti_nextns, ti_nptotal, ti_npused, ti_npdata, ti_nrows, ti_rowsize from systabnames, systabinfo where partnum = ti_partnum
List the table extent usage
select tabname, count(*) from sysextents where dbsname = 'DATABASE' group by 1 Or summarised by dbspaces select substr(DBINFO("DBSPACE",partnum),1,10) DBSpace, dbsname[1,10] Database, tabname[1,15] Table, sum(pe_size) tot_space, count(*) no_of_exts from sysptnext, systabnames where pe_partnum = partnum and tabname != "TBLSpace" group by 1,2,3 order by 1,4 desc
What is the current engine configuration
select * from sysconfig For example, to extract the current server name select * from sysconfig where cf_name = "DBSERVERNAME"
What is the current profile information
select * from sysprofile Alternatively, this information can be found using <a href="/onstat/onstat_p.html">onstat -p</a>
What can I find out about the logs
select * from syslogsAs this is just a view onto syslogfil but with the flags interpreted the same data can be seen just by selecting from the syslogfil table, therefore avoiding the bitval operations. So the syslogfil select would
select number ,uniqid ,size ,used , bitval(syslogfil.flags ,'0x1' ) is_used, bitval(syslogfil.flags ,'0x2' ) is_current, bitval(syslogfil.flags ,'0x4' ) is_backed_up, bitval(syslogfil.flags ,'0x8' ) is_new, bitval(syslogfil.flags ,'0x10' ) is_archived, bitval(syslogfil.flags ,'0x20' ) is_temp, syslogfil.flags,name from syslogfil,syschunks,sysdbstab where (syslogfil.number > 0) and trunc((hex(physloc)/1048576))=chknum and syschunks.dbsnum = sysdbstab.dbsnum
How to summarise the VP statistics
select vpid, txt, usecs_user, usecs_sys, num_ready from sysvplst, flags_text where sysvplst.flags != 6 and sysvplst.class = flags_text.flags and flags_text.tabname = "sysvplst"
How much space is left in the DBSpace
select name, sum(chksize) pages, sum(nfree) free from sysdbspaces, syschunks where sysdbspaces.dbsnum = syschunks.dbsnum group by 1
What is the current chunk status
select name, is_mirrored, is_blobspace, is_temp, chknum, fname, offset, is_offline, is_recovering, is_blobchunk, is_inconsistent, chksize, nfree, mfname, moffset, mis_offline, mis_recovering from sysdbspaces, syschunks where sysdbspaces.dbsnum = syschunks.dbsnum order by 1,5
How much space is left in a chunk
select name, syschfree.chknum, syschfree.extnum, syschfree.start, syschfree.leng from sysdbspaces, syschunks, syschfree where sysdbspaces.dbsnum = syschunks.dbsnum and syschunks.chknum = syschfree.chknum order by 1,2Alternatively, this information is contained in onstat d
What is the disk IO for the chunk
select name, chknum, "Primary", reads, writes, pagesread, pageswritten from syschktab, sysdbstab where syschktab.dbsnum = sysdbstab.dbsnum union all select name, chknum, "Mirror", reads, writes, pagesread, pageswritten from sysmchktab, sysdbstab where sysmchktab.dbsnum = sysdbstab.dbsnum order by 1,2 Alternatively, this information can be seen from <a href="/onstat/onstatu_d.html">onstat -D</a>
What is the percentage IO for the chunks
select name, chktype, "Primary" chktype, reads, writes, pagesread, pageswritten from syschktab, sysdbstab where syschktab.dbsnum = sysdbstab.dbsnum union all select name, chktype, "Mirror" chktype, reads, writes, pagesread, pageswritten from sysmchktab, sysdbstab where sysmchktab.dbsnum = sysdbstab.dbsnum into temp t_io with no log; select sum(reads) t_reads, sum(writes) t_writes, sum(pagesread) t_pagesread, sum(pageswritten) t_pageswritten from t_io into temp t_sum with no log; select name, chknum, chktype, reads, writes, pagesread, pageswritten, round((reads/t_reads)*100,2) p_reads, round((writes/t_writes)*100,2) p_writes, round((pagesread/t_pagesread)*100,2) p_pagesread, round((pageswritten/t_pageswritten)*100,2) p_pageswritten from t_io, t_sum
Where are the tables in the dbspace
select DBINFO("DBSPACE",partnum), dbsname, tabname, pe_phys, pe_size from sysptnext, systabnames where pe_partnum = partnum order by 1
What is the IO for the table
select dbsname, tabname, isreads, bufreads, pagreads, iswrites, bufwrites, pagwrites, lockreqs, lockwts, deadlks from sysptprof order by 3If the columns read 0 then you may need to set TBLSPACE_STATS in the your ONCONFIG file
How much space is occupied by a table.
select dbsname, tabname, count(*) num_of_extents, sum( pe_size ) total_size from systabnames, sysptnext where partnum = pe_partnum and tabname not matches "sys*" group by 1, 2 order by 3 desc, 4 desc;
What are the busiest tables
The following SQL will identify the most used tables
select fname, name, dbsname, tabname, pagreads+pagwrites pagtots from sysptprof, syschunks, sysdbspaces, sysptnhdr where trunc(hex(sysptprof.partnum)/1048576) = chknum and syschunks.dbsnum = sysdbspaces.dbsnum and sysptprof.partnum = sysptnhdr.partnum and (pagreads+pagwrites) != 0 order by 5 desc
For Online versions 4 and 5 is not as straightforward. tbstat -t will show all the active tables. This will give the tblnum in hex which can then be used in the following sql
select tabname from systables where hex(partnum) = tblnum
What is the total size of the database
select sum(ti_nptotal), sum(ti_npused) from systabnames, systabinfo where partnum = ti_partnum order by 1
How were the last UPDATE STATISTICS run
select systables.tabname, syscolumns.colname, sysdistrib.constructed,mode from sysdistrib,systables,syscolumns where systables.tabid > 99 and systables.tabid = syscolumns.tabid and sysdistrib.tabid=systables.tabid and sysdistrib.colno = syscolumns.colno group by 1,2,3,4 order by tabname,colname;
When was the last onstat -z run
This can be determined via the following SQL: SELECT sh_pfclrtime FROM sysshmvals;
When was Update Stats last run
select distinct tabname, b.constructed, b.mode from systables a, sysdistrib b where a.tabid=b.tabid order by 1
What are all the DBINFO options
DBINFO('dbspace', partn) DBINFO('sqlca.sqlerrd1') DBINFO('sqlca.sqlerrd2') DBINFO('utc_to_datetime', <column>) DBINFO('utc_current') DBINFO('get_tz') DBINFO('serial8') DBINFO('sessionid') DBINFO('dbhostname') DBINFO('version','server-type') DBINFO('version','major') DBINFO('version','minor') DBINFO('version','os') DBINFO('version','full')Which are available very much depends on the IDS version
How full is the physical log
select pl_physize, pl_phyused, round ((pl_phyused * 100.0)/pl_physize,2) from sysplog
Which database am I connected to
select sqc_currdb from syssqlcurall where sqc_sessionid = dbinfo('sessionid');
Where are the indexes
Find detached indexes
select dbs_name, sysmaster:systabnames.tabname, app_db:sysindexes.idxname from sysmaster:systabnames, sysmaster:sysdbspaces, app_db:sysindexes where sysmaster:sysdbspaces.dbsnum = trunc(sysmaster:systabnames.partnum/1048576) and != "rootdbs" and != "database_dbs" and app_db:sysindexes.idxname = sysmaster:systabnames.tabname union -- Find other indexes select dbs_name, sysmaster:systabnames.tabname, app_db:sysindexes.idxname from sysmaster:systabnames, sysmaster:sysdbspaces, app_db:systables, app_db:sysindexes where sysmaster:sysdbspaces.dbsnum = trunc(sysmaster:systabnames.partnum/1048576) and != "rootdbs" and != "database_dbs" and app_db:systables.tabname = sysmaster:systabnames.tabname and app_db:sysindexes.tabid = app_db:systables.tabid -- Exclude detached indexes and app_db:sysindexes.idxname not in (select tabname from sysmaster:systabnames ) order by 1, 2, 3
What tables are in rootdbs
SELECT UNIQUE e.dbsname, e.tabname FROM sysdbspaces d, syschunks c, sysextents e WHERE = 'rootdbs' AND c.dbsnum = d.dbsnum AND e.chunk = c.chknum AND e.dbsname NOT IN ('rootdbs', 'sysmaster', 'sysadmin', 'sysuser', 'sysutils') ORDER BY 1, 2
What mode is the engine running in
select sh_mode from sysmaster:sysshmvals;
IDS 7,9,10,11
- 1 Offline (-1 = 255)
0 Initialisation
1 Quiescent 2 Recovery 3 Backup 4 Shutdown 5 Online 6 Abort
0 Initialisation 1 Quiescent 2 Micro kernel 3 Recovery 4 Backup 5 Shutdown 6 Online 7 Abort
What type of instance is running
select ha_type from sysmaster:sysha_type
0 Not part of a high-availability environment 1 Primary server 2 HDR secondary server 3 SD secondary server 4 RS secondary server
What dbspaces are being used by a database
select distinct dbinfo("dbspace",b.partnum) from <database>:sysfragments a, sysmaster:systabnames b where a.partn = b.partnum and tabid > 99 union select distinct dbinfo("dbspace",b.partnum) from <database>:systables a, sysmaster:systabnames b where a.partnum = b.partnum and a.partnum != 0 and tabid > 99 union select dbs_name from sysmaster:systabnames a, sysmaster:sysdbspaces b, <database>:sysindexes c where b.dbsnum = trunc(a.partnum/1048576) and c.idxname = a.tabname and a.dbsname = '<database>' and tabid > 99 order by 1
What are the unused indexes
select sysindexes.idxname index, sysindexes.idxtype as type, sysptprof.isreads reads from sysindexes, sysmaster:sysptprof sysptprof where sysindexes.idxname = sysptprof.tabname and sysptprof.isreads = 0 order by reads desc, idxname ;